An effective method of losing weight is to reduce the consumption of sugary drinks, energy drinks and sports drinks. You can substitute all such drinks with fruit juice. Not only would the consumption of such juices help you infighting diseases but would also aid in the weight loss procedure. There is always a reason why experts recommend you to drink juices for maintaining a healthy diet. Fruit juice is healthy if consumed in moderation. Here is a list of the top 10 fruit juices which help loose weight.

1. Carrot Juice

Carrot Juice is highly beneficial for the human body. This particular juice contains high level of calcium, potassium and magnesium. Carotenes contained in this juice helps you remain healthy. It is converted into vitamin A by the human body and utilized accordingly. Carrot Juice also contains high level of antioxidant which is used to protect the body and helps in fighting diseases such as cancer etc.
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